Dengue Prevention Tips: Try These 5 Simple Tips To Keep Dengue Mosquitoes Away From Home
Dengue Prevention Tips Dengue's havoc is once again increasing in the country. After the smoky rainy season, you many states are battling with mosquitoes. Dengue mosquito usually bites during the day. So know what can be done to avoid it.

Dengue Prevention Tips: Every year there are many such parts of the country, which definitely come in the grip of mosquito-borne diseases once in a year. Especially after monsoon. There are many diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya in India, which are caused by mosquito bites. The most common of these is dengue. It is a viral disease which is spread by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito.
Usually during the rainy season mosquitoes are born due to the accumulation of dirty water, which then make people their prey. The dengue mosquito bites during the day, while the malaria mosquito bites during the evening. Dangu is also called break bone fever, because due to fever, there is severe pain in bones and muscles.
Ways to avoid dengue fever
Mosquito repellant
The best way to avoid dengue fever is to use mosquito repellent creams or sprays. You can apply these 3 to 4 times a day. However, many people are allergic to these creams, so do a patch test before applying the best.
Wear clothes with full sleeves
You can use a net at home to avoid mosquitoes. Similarly, wear full-sleeved clothes so that mosquitoes do not bite. Mosquitoes bite on areas that are exposed. So pants and a full-sleeved shirt can save you a lot. Also, mosquitoes are less attracted to light colored clothes.
Home remedies to get rid of mosquitoes
There are many different things available in the market today to get rid of mosquitoes. From electronic devices to lotions, coils, sprays, etc., you will easily find them. Apart from these, adding a drop of citronella and lemongrass extract to the water used to wipe the floor also keeps the parasites away.
Don't let water to stagnate around the house
Keep an eye out for places around the house where water can fill up, such as coolers, pots, pots for birds, etc. The freezing of water in such places becomes breeding ground for the fish. Take care that water does not stagnate there, keep these places clean, do not allow garbage or dirt around the house. Mosquitoes do not like clean places.
Keep These Plants Inside the house
You can keep neem plant indoors or outdoors. These plants will keep the Mosquitoes away from your house Also, do not keep too many plants outside or inside the house, it can bring more mosquitoes.
Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.