Gas Problem Home Remedies: Try these home remedies to get rid of the problem of bloating

Bloating is a common problem. Being bloating feels very uncomfortable. You can also try many home remedies to get rid of the problem of bloating.

Gas Problem Home Remedies: Try these home remedies to get rid of the problem of bloating

Due to unhealthy eating and poor lifestyle, many times one has to face digestion related problems. This includes bloating and gas problems etc. Because of this you feel very uncomfortable. You can also try some home remedies to overcome the problem of bloating. You can use some easily available ingredients in the kitchen which will work to give you relief from the problem of bloating. This will keep your digestive system healthy. Let's find out what are these things.


Ajwain can be consumed. It works to relieve stomach pain caused by gas. For this, you can consume a spoonful of carom seeds along with getting it lukewarm. This will give you relief from the problem of bloating.


Asafoetida also works well to get relief from the problem of bloating. Asafoetida has anti-flatulent properties. It helps in removing the problem of gas. Consuming it gives relief from abdominal pain and removes the problem of bloating. For this, mix half a teaspoon asafetida in a glass of lukewarm water and consume it after eating food. Do not consume it in excess. This can cause heartburn problem.


Cumin helps in keeping the digestive system healthy. For this, drink a glass of cumin water every morning. This will give you relief from the problem of bloating. It will also serve to bring you many other health benefits.

Lemon Soda

Consume lemon soda. For this, mix lemon juice and baking powder in a glass of water. After that consume it. This will work to provide instant relief from gas. It helps in digestion after heavy meals.


Triphala keeps the digestive system healthy. It provides relief from digestive problems like constipation, bloating and gas. For this, take one teaspoon Triphala powder mixed with lukewarm water. By eating Triphala powder, you get rid of these problems related to digestion. Apart from this, you can also consume mint tea. At the same time, avoid eating unhealthy food and exercise regularly.

(The information given in this article is based on general assumptions. The Weekly Mail does not confirm these. Follow this only after consulting an expert.)