Putin may announce the inclusion of the four occupied territories in Russia

According to reports, the areas where the referendum has been held account for 15 percent of Ukraine. Held in Ukraine's Luhansk Zaporizhzhia Kherson and Donetsk. Russian troops were stationed at polling stations during the referendum.

Putin may announce the inclusion of the four occupied territories in Russia
Putin may announce the inclusion of the four occupied territories in Russia

It has been more than seven months since the Russia-Ukraine war. It is believed that now it is at its last turning point. Putin can now declare the occupied territories as part of Russia by holding a referendum. The work of the referendum on the territory of Russia-occupied Ukraine has also been completed on Tuesday. In the referendum, people were asked whether they wanted the four occupied southern and eastern Ukraine regions to be included in Russia. The referendum began on 23 September. This referendum will decide whether the occupied territories want to be part of Russia or not. 

According to reports, the areas where the referendum has been held account for 15 percent of Ukraine. Ukraine's Luhansk, Zaporizhzhya, Kherson and Donetsk. Russian troops were stationed at polling stations during the referendum. 

Meanwhile, there is talk thatVladimir Putin may soon announce the inclusion of these four occupied territories in Russia. Vladimir Putin may announce the result of the referendum on 30 September. 

According to Russian-established election officials, 93 percent of the ballots cast in the Zaporizhzhia region supported the merger. 87 percent in the Kherson region, 98 percent in the Luhansk region and 99 percent in Donetsk supported the merger. At the same time, Kyiv and its Western allies have completely rejected it, calling the vote a sham.

Significantly, this referendum conducted by Russia took place in Luhansk, partly Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk region. Around 40 lakh people were asked to take part in the voting. The election officials along with the armed forces had reached door to door to collect votes from the people