When Architecture Is Passion, Everything Becomes Inspiration : Architect Shreya Mahajan

Just like a famous quote – ‘Every woman is the architect of her own future’ Shreya has carved a beautiful yet successful future for her with her astonishing architectural career.

When Architecture Is Passion, Everything Becomes Inspiration : Architect Shreya Mahajan
Shreya Mahajan

Being a female entrepreneur in architectural field and becoming one of the finest is not that easy but architect Shreya Mahajan has proved that this is just a myth when you are perfect in anything and everything you do. Just like a famous quote – ‘Every woman is the architect of her own future’ Shreya has carved a beautiful yet successful future for her with her astonishing architectural career. Her skills are even recognised with multiple awards. She is awarded amongst the 10 most influential Interior Designers of 2021 by Business Connect. She has achieved this victory within a year after starting her practice as an individual architect with her firm ‘Shreya Mahajan Architects’. Apart from this her firm is also awarded by Reseal Group with The Maharashtra Udyojakta Puraskar for “The Most Creative Commercial and Residential Interior Designer in Maharashtra”.

Architect Shreya Mahajan has started her own firm ‘Shreya Mahajan Architects’ in 2019. Since then, she has completed more than 20 successful projects like luxury homes, farmhouses, hospitals, spiritual centre, renovations, showrooms, offices, etc all over Maharashtra. Currently her more than 30 projects are in the pipeline. She has been working rigorously with her zealous team for the highest success. She is also planning to expand her firm on the larger scale to serve more clients with big grandeur. Shreya is someone who believes in the quality more than anything with her work. She makes her designs more alive and beneficial for her clients by incorporating combinations of the Vastu principles in it. She just adds her magical touch in each work she does. Shreya believes that in a project, client’s personality should reflect. That’s why her clients connect more to her work and feel more precious with the projects Shreya does for them. Shreya says, “We believe that designing and executing projects require effective collaboration between design, construction, management of professionals and visionary leadership; and therefore, we collaborate with a wide range of expert consultants to provide clients with effective and integrated solutions.”

Shreya Mahajan has made the perfect balance of modernization, technology and traditional methods in her life and work to balance both perfectly. Apart from architecture she has took her hobby for digital illustrations on a professional level. In year 2020 she started her firm ‘The Happy Envelope’ for providing the best customised gifting solutions to her clients with a wide range of products and services. Soon they are going to expand their collection even more to provide more variety to their clients. Shreya believes that developing your unique skills and abilities is a most effective way to success.

Shreya Mahajan has gone through many struggles in her personal and professional life. She had to lose her father early and the whole family had to suffer. That time also Shreya stood strong. Talking about her struggles Shreya says, “Struggles define who I am today! Be it managing time or delivering our services, I had to struggle. But, later on, I learned to manage things properly and stick to my to-do list. In reality, we all face struggles but sharing them with our colleagues helps us find a way out. There are lessons to be learnt from our struggles, always! The way I talk about my experience during these past couple of years, is a result of the situations I have gone through. These have taught me to be humble to everyone. Hoping to learn and grow further.”

Shreya Mahajan always says that we should always prepare for the tough years and take inspiration from everything to grow in your life. Shreya Mahajan herself is an inspiration to many people.

Follow Her On Twitter: Architect Shreya