Yoga Day: India to give another gift to the world, M-Yoga app will enable people to learn Yoga in many languages .

Today, the world is celebrating the 7th International Day of Yoga. The date of June 21 has occupied an important place in history in the last few years. There is a lot of enthusiasm in different countries of the world for this special day that began at India's initiative. Addressing the nation on the occasion of International Day of Yoga, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday morning addressed the nation and called for the inclusion of the formula for staying away from diseases through Yoga in the routine. On the occasion of Yoga Day, India has given another gift to the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address on Monday announced the launch of the M-Yoga app. Through this app, yoga will be taught in different languages of the world.
Today, the world is celebrating the 7th International Day of Yoga. On the occasion of Yoga Day, India has given another gift to the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address on Monday announced the launch of the M-Yoga app. Through this app, yoga will be taught in different languages of the world. India has developed the M-Yoga app in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Addressing the nation on International Day of Yoga, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that when India proposed international yoga day at the United Nations, the feeling behind it was that this should be accessible to the entire world. He said that today, India has taken another important step in collaboration with the United Nations, WHO, and now the world will get the power of the M-Yoga App. The app will have several videos of yoga training based on common yoga protocols in different languages of the world.
This is special in M-Yoga
According to information provided by Prime Minister Modi, the M-Yoga app will explain easy protocols on Yoga so that yoga can spread to different countries. The app will release videos on Yoga in different languages.
Tell us that ever since the International Day of Yoga was recognized at the initiative of India, there has been a lot of enthusiasm for Yoga all over the world. Yoga has now become a part of daily life in different countries, while a professional choice has also been created.