Youtube removed 22.5 lakh videos from last October to December, scissors were also used on more than two crore channels

YouTube has removed 9 million videos worldwide. Of these, 53.46 percent of the videos were removed before being viewed even once and 27.07 percent of the videos were viewed one to ten times before being removed. Apart from this, in the fourth quarter of last year, two crore channels were also removed in violation of spam policies.

Youtube removed 22.5 lakh videos from last October to December, scissors were also used on more than two crore channels

Google-owned YouTube removed more than 22.5 lakh videos in India for violating Community Guidelines in the fourth quarter of last year, i.e. from October to December. This number of video deletions is the highest among 30 countries. YouTube said in its report released on Tuesday that Singapore (12.43 lakh) and America (7.88 lakh) stood second and third in this list. Iraq remained last in the list with 41,176 videos removed.

Thus, in the same period, YouTube removed 9 million videos worldwide. Of these, 53.46 percent of the videos were removed before being viewed even once and 27.07 percent of the videos were viewed one to ten times before being removed.

Apart from this, in the fourth quarter of last year, two crore channels were also removed in violation of spam policies. Additionally, YouTube also removed 110 crore comments in the same period. Most of these were unwanted.

The social media platform said, "YouTube's Community Guidelines are applied consistently around the world, regardless of who the uploader is, where the content is uploaded, or how the content is created. When a content is removed for violating the guidelines, it is removed globally, using both machine learning and our employees (human reviewers) to enforce the policies.”

Additionally, YouTube also removed more than 20 million channels in Q4 2023 for violating spam policies. It also removed more than 110 million comments, the majority of which were spam. Said that more than 99 percent of the removed comments were detected automatically.