Get To Know The Proudest Moment Of India's Most Trusted Astrologer Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

"Trust me when I say this, happiness can never be measured in monetary terms when you see people getting back on their feet, feeling happy and confident because of the solutions I provide. To me, that is the most priceless reward any astrologer could ask for." - Astrologer Umesh Chandra Pant

Get To Know The Proudest Moment Of India's Most Trusted Astrologer Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

Recently top national media platforms like Outlook India, PTI News, Midday, Patrika, and many more revealed the list of top 10 Astrologers of India, and they placed Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant at no 1.

In today's Spotlight Interview, discover why this Delhi NCR astrologer, who has been amongst the best three astrologers in Delhi for seven years in a row, is trusted by thousands and hailed as the most famous in the country! Here are a few excerpts of Pooja Senthilkumar's chat with the best astrologer in India:

Pooja: Please tell us what exactly the meaning of Astrology and how to use astrology properly in the true sense?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: Jyoti means light and Astrology means the study of light bodies. Astrology means the science of describing the movements of planets. Astrology is the belief that the alignment of stars and planets affects every individual's mood, personality, and environment, depending on when he was born. Helping any troubled person is the main religion of any trusted astrologer.  

Pooja: Tell me about yourself/your organisation? (What inspired you to choose this industry, years of experience, etc?) 

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: Namaste, my name is Pt Umesh Chandra Pant. I am personally associated with astrology since 1988. From 1988 to 1999 I worked as a free services astrologer approximate 11 years. Since then, I have immersed myself completely in astrology. Therefore, my combined experience in astrology totals 35 years, but let’s say my actual experiential period in astrology is 22 years (from 2000 to now as professionally).

I was very curious to choose public services and was extremely fond of my religion since childhood. Since I was born and raised in a Brahman family, my childhood exposure to cultural ceremonies typical in Hindu Brahman family is the reason that I have this undying reverence to divinity and rituals dedicated to Supreme Almighty. Therefore, I chose astrology as a means of my livelihood, 

Throughout my involvement in astrology for such a prolonged duration, I have never let this effort of mine die down when it comes to serving the needy with honesty using my astrological expertise.

I consider serving people my moral responsibility and will continue to do so. From the year 2000 to 2010 I journeyed my profession in astrology all by myself. Thereafter, I teamed with 1-2 individuals and today I am pleased to say that I have a team of 10-15 experts, who contribute their services to our cause with the utmost reverence and dedications.

The reason we made this happen can be attributed to the overwhelming love we received from countless people whom we served over 22 plus years of our trusted astrological services.

Pooja: What do you think is your best achievement in this industry?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: I believe that I am serving people, who are frustrated in their lives with their problems, honestly. My happiness knows no bounds when people call me or send me an email informing me that how my service has brought forth positive changes in their lives or solved their problems, such as making headway in finding a new job or getting their delayed marriage resolved, etc.

That is the moment of the greatest happiness for me. To see people pleased and content is the biggest achievement I consider for my trusted astrological services.

Pooja: What is the proudest moment in your career?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: The proudest moment in my career is when people get benefited from astrological services. I try my level best to make sure that every needy individual, who approaches me in hope for quality trusted astrological solution for their problems, gets benefited from my astrological expertise.

I treat every person as if they were my family members. Even our culture, “वसुधैव कुटुंबकम (The whole world is a family) endorses this doctrine and I want to make it real. 

Pooja: What sets you apart from your competitors?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: First of all, I never consider anyone my competitor. I am a competitor to myself. The point I would like to make is that anyone who is serving people astrologically must do so honestly and responsibly. This will surely vindicate the credibility of trusted astrology.   

Pooja: What would you like to say to your customers?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to them for entrusting their trust and confidence to me.

I am so thankful for them that they come to me for their problems in a hope that I would solve them. I would urge them to keep their trust in me, as this is something that encourages me to serve them better. 

Pooja: What makes you proud of your service?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: The unwavering trust of people in my service as an astrologer is what makes me proud. And this is something that I am trying my best to uphold with each passing day.

Earning the trust of people and keeping it alive is quite an uphill task. However, I am certainly glad that I have not let them down and will continue to serve them as efficiently as I am supposed to. 

I have been the best and most trusted astrologer in Delhi for the last 7 years uncontested. Moreover, I have been exclusively featured in leading media outlets, such as Hindustan Times, India Today, Zee News, Live Mint, Deccan Herald, Out Look, Mid-Day, The Tribune, The Print, Global News Wire, and Yahoo News. 

I wouldn’t lie to you but yes, these types of recognitions also make me proud of my service as an astrologer. In fact, they positively keep me on the ground and inspire me to serve people more efficiently. 

Pooja: Why do you think trust is important in astrology?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: Just as any relationship can’t thrive longer in want of trust, similarly astrological solutions can’t work in your life if you don’t trust them. More as an occult science, I think astrology is a divine science.

Therefore, trusting in its solution is extremely important. You can’t worship God and distrust its existence at the same time. Therefore, I believe that one has to show a certain degree of trust in astrology. Only then the solutions offered through astrological approaches will work in your life. 

Pooja: How can people get in touch with you?

Pt Umesh Chandra Pant: They can visit our website, which is – pavitrajyotishdotcom or email me their queries at They can also contact me through phone or video conference on the web.