Hypertension: Do these yogasanas daily to control high blood pressure easily.
According to health experts, after the age of 30, any person can have the problem of high blood pressure. For this, blood pressure must be checked regularly. At the same time, to control high blood pressure, reduce stress, take a balanced diet, do exercise daily.

High blood pressure is called the silent killer. This disease is mainly caused by stress. Simply put, high blood pressure is a disease caused by stress. According to health experts, after the age of 30, any person can have the problem of high blood pressure. For this, blood pressure should be checked regularly. At the same time, to control high blood pressure, take less stress, eat a balanced diet (potassium rich foods), exercise daily and do yoga. There are many asanas of yoga. Many of these asanas prove to be helpful in controlling high blood pressure. If you are also a patient of high blood pressure, then definitely do this yogasana daily. let's know
Do balasana
It is a meditation yoga and is very simple. According to yoga experts, do it daily for at least 3 minutes. Balasana is very easy to do. By doing this yoga, there is a stretch in the thighs, hips and ankles. Also relieves stress. This releases oxidative stress.
This yoga is done with the support of a wall. In this, yoga has to be done by raising your feet against the wall. For this, Sarvangasana is also called leg-up the wall pose. While doing this yoga, the focus has to be on your breath. For this it is also a meditation yoga. This helps to relieve stress. High blood pressure remains under control by reducing stress.
The digestive system is strengthened by doing this yoga. While there is special pressure on the spinal cord and stomach, which is beneficial for diabetic patients. This leads to the circulation of energy throughout the body. While relieving stress. Because of this, Paschimottanasana is also beneficial in high blood pressure.
Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.