Insomnia: How to get rid of Insomnia what to take with milk to get better results, It's type and stages
A person who suffers from insomnia cannot sleep at night. There are two types of insomnia. The first stage is acute insomnia and the second stage is chronic insomnia.

Insomnia: You must have heard it often, people say that they cannot sleep at night. They have to stay awake all night and It is not good for health.
There can be many reasons of it. The main reason for this is stress. Lack of sleep for a long time has a bad effect on mental and physical health. In particular, it has a greater effect on mental health. Insomnia is a disorder related to sleep. Insomnia is called Insomnia in English. In this condition the person cannot sleep at night.
There are two types of insomnia:-
The first stage is acute insomnia. In this, the person does not sleep for a few days. At the same time, the second stage is chronic insomnia. In this condition, the person complains of insomnia for a long time. To get rid of this disease, reduce stress, exercise daily, take a balanced diet. Also, do not consume caffeinated things before sleeping at night. Apart from this, stay away from mobile surfing late at night. By planning these rules, there is relief in the problem of insomnia. At the same time, consuming Ashwagandha mixed with milk before going to bed every night also helps in getting rid of the problem of insomnia. Come, let's know everything about it.
Ashwagandha :-
Ashwagandha is found in many countries around the world including India. It is called Withania somnifera in English. It contains many essential nutrients including iron, calcium, carotene, vitamin-C, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, which are beneficial in many diseases including cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress, obesity. Also Ashwagandha medicine for insomnia is similar.
How to consume :-
To get rid of the problem of insomnia, drink a glass of lukewarm milk mixed with one teaspoon of Ashwagandha every night before sleeping. Its regular consumption gives quick relief in insomnia. This relieves stress. Staying away from stress helps in getting good sleep at night. For this, ashwagandha milk can be consumed daily. However, its effect is hot.
Note :- Please consult your doctor once before consuming.