Iran News: Two loud explosions near Qasim Sulemani's grave, 73 killed; 140 injured

Qasem Soleimani Iran's Quds Force chief General Qasem Soleimani has died in an American airstrike. On Wednesday, two major explosions were reported near the tomb of Qasim Suleimani in Kerman city. 73 people died in this attack while 140 people were injured. Today is the fourth death anniversary of Qasim Sulemani.

Iran News: Two loud explosions near Qasim Sulemani's grave, 73 killed; 140 injured

Iran's Quds Force chief General Qasim Sulemani has died in an American airstrike. On Wednesday, two major explosions were reported near the tomb of Qasim Suleimani in Kerman city. 73 people died in this attack, while 140 people were injured. Today is the fourth death anniversary of Qasim Sulemani.

Let us tell you that on January 3, 2020, top Iranian General Qasim Sulemani was killed in the American air strike on Baghdad Airport. According to Iran's state TV news, two loud explosions were heard near Soleimani's cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, killing 73 people.

Many people have been injured in the stampede

State TV said the explosions led to a stampede near the tomb, injuring several dozen people. Heavy force has been deployed at the incident site.

Our priority is to take the injured to hospital

Apart from this, Reza Fallah, head of the Kerman Province Red Crescent, said that our first priority is to evacuate the injured and take them to the hospital.

Officials termed it a terrorist attack

At the same time, amid increased tension in the Middle East over Israel's ongoing war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a senior official has termed these explosions as terrorist attacks.

Soleimani was the leading general running military activities in Iran. Soleimani is known as a national symbol among Iran's religious supporters.