Politician Rishabh Mukati: Breaking Barriers in Youth Politics and Encouraging the Next Generation to Lead

Politician Rishabh Mukati: Breaking Barriers in Youth Politics and Encouraging the Next Generation to Lead
Bhopal Youth Politician

Rishabh Mukati Talks About Challenges Faced by Young Politicians and Announces ‘Get Your Vibe In Politics’ Campaign

Rishabh Mukati, Bhopal’s youngest politician and member of Bharatiya Janata Party , recently opened up about the unique challenges young people face when they step into the political arena. In an insightful discussion, he spoke candidly about the hurdles that often discourage youth from participating in politics and how his upcoming campaign, *Get Your Vibe In Politics*, aims to tackle these issues head-on. The campaign, set to launch soon, carries a powerful slogan: "Why Fit In When You Can Stand Out in Politics?"—a call to the younger generation to embrace their individuality while getting involved in shaping the country’s future.

The Challenges of Youth Politics

When talking about the challenges young politicians face, Mukati touched upon several key areas that need attention. "One of the biggest barriers is the perception that politics is a field reserved for the older generation or for those who have been around for a long time," he said. "There’s this idea that young people aren’t experienced enough to lead or don’t have the maturity to handle political responsibilities. This mindset can be incredibly discouraging."

He further elaborated that this perception not only undermines the potential of young leaders but also leads to a significant underrepresentation of youth in politics. "India has one of the youngest populations in the world, but when you look at our political landscape, it doesn’t reflect that. Young voices are crucial because they bring fresh perspectives and new ideas that are essential for progress," Mukati emphasized.

But age isn’t the only hurdle. Mukati also pointed out how financial constraints and lack of access to networks can make it difficult for young people to break into politics. "Running a campaign, even on a small scale, requires money and resources. You need funds for everything from organizing events to promoting your message, and not everyone has the financial backing to do that. On top of that, politics often runs on networks and connections, which young people are just starting to build," he explained. These obstacles, according to Mukati, create a challenging environment that prevents many talented young individuals from entering the political sphere.

Breaking the Mold: The Stereotypes in Politics

One of the primary aims of Mukati’s campaign is to dismantle the outdated stereotypes that surround politicians. "There’s a very rigid image of what a politician should look like and how they should behave," Mukati said. "People think you have to dress a certain way, speak a certain way, and even carry yourself in a particular manner to be taken seriously in politics. For many young people, especially those from Gen Z, this can feel like a huge barrier."

He noted that this stereotypical image often makes young individuals feel out of place, as if they need to conform to a traditional mold to be accepted. "You see politicians in kurtas and Nehru jackets, and it’s almost like a uniform that everyone is expected to wear. But that’s not who we are as a generation. We have our own style, our own way of expressing ourselves, and that shouldn’t change just because we want to serve our community through politics," Mukati added.

This pressure to conform can be socially isolating as well. Mukati shared that many young people fear ridicule or alienation from their peers if they adopt the traditional ‘politician look.’ "People shouldn’t have to choose between their passion for public service and being true to themselves. That’s the wrong message to send," he remarked.

Introducing ‘Get Your Vibe In Politics’

It’s this very mindset that Mukati wants to change with his new campaign, *Get Your Vibe In Politics*. The campaign is about more than just encouraging youth participation in politics; it’s about redefining what it means to be a politician. "Politics should be inclusive. It should be a space where everyone feels they belong, regardless of how they look or what their background is," Mukati said.

With the slogan, "Why Fit In When You Can Stand Out in Politics?", the campaign encourages young people to embrace their individuality and unique perspectives. "You don’t need to change your wardrobe or your personality to make a difference in politics. You don’t need to speak in clichés or behave like a traditional politician to be effective. What matters is your commitment to serving the people and your desire to bring about positive change," Mukati explained.

The campaign aims to create a more welcoming environment where young people feel empowered to step into political roles as their true selves. "We need young leaders who are authentic, who aren’t afraid to be themselves, and who bring their own vibe to the table. That’s what will really shake things up and make politics more relatable and dynamic," he added.

Encouraging the Youth to Lead

Rishabh Mukati is passionate about encouraging young people to take an active role in politics, and his campaign reflects this belief. "We are the generation that is most connected with the challenges of today because we are living through them. Whether it’s dealing with the impact of climate change, the challenges of finding good jobs, or navigating the digital world, these are issues that we experience firsthand. Who better to lead the change than us?" he asked.

Mukati believes that the energy and innovation that young people bring to the table are exactly what politics needs right now. "Young people are full of new ideas and solutions. We think outside the box, and we aren’t afraid to question the status quo. That’s what makes us so valuable in any leadership role," he said.

His message to the youth is clear: don’t be intimidated by the traditional image of politics. "If you have a passion for serving your community and making a difference, then politics is for you. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too young or too different to get involved. Be yourself, bring your own vibe, and show the world what you can do," Mukati urged.

A New Wave of Leadership

The *Get Your Vibe In Politics* campaign is set to launch soon, and Mukati is hopeful that it will inspire a new wave of young leaders to step into the political arena. "We need more young people in politics, not fewer. We need more diversity, more perspectives, and more voices that reflect the reality of our society. This campaign is about creating a space where young leaders can thrive without feeling like they have to fit into a box," he said.

With this initiative, Mukati is not only addressing the barriers that young politicians face but also paving the way for a more inclusive and vibrant political future. "It’s time for us to change the way we think about politics. It’s time for us to bring our own vibe into the mix and show that leadership comes in many forms. The future of politics is bright, and it’s going to be driven by us—the youth," he concluded.

Through *Get Your Vibe In Politics*, Rishabh Mukati hopes to break down the walls that have kept young people out of politics and create a space where they can lead confidently and authentically. He is eager to see more young faces in political spaces, contributing to a future that is not only more inclusive but also more representative of the diverse and dynamic energy that defines the younger generation.