UK strained by another Covid variant:Imposes travel bans

A number of European Union nations and Canada imposed ban on travel from the U.K. on Sunday and others were of the same opinion

UK strained by another Covid variant:Imposes travel bans

A number of European Union nations and Canada imposed ban on travel from the U.K. on Sunday and others were of the same opinion

, in an attempt to block a new strain of coronavirus crawling across southern England from spreading to the continent.

People in England are now aware that they must cancel their Christmas get-togethers and holiday shopping trips. France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Ireland and Bulgaria all announced restrictions on U.K. travel, a few hours after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that Christmas shopping and gatherings in southern England must be cancelled because of the rapid increasing infections blamed on the new coronavirus variant. 
Johnson immediately placed those regions under a strict new Tier 4 restriction level, suspending Christmas plans for millions.

Travelling was banned by France from the U.K.  for 48 hours from midnight Sunday, including trucks moving under the English Channel or from the port of Dover on England’s south coast.
French officials will try to find a "common doctrine" to deal with the situation, but all this has caused no more than a chaos on the busy cross-channel route which was used by a thousands of trucks.

It was tweeted by the Port of Doverlt on Sunday night that its ferry terminal was “closed to all accompanied traffic leaving the UK until further notice due to border restrictions in France.” Eurostar passenger trains from London to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam were also affected by the hault.