Water crisis started in America amid floods, know why there is a fight for drinking water
In the US capital of Mississippi, people are seen waiting in queues to drink water, bathe, cook and flush toilets.

People in Jackson are forced to line up at distribution sites and grocery stores for bottled water.
Amidst the floods in America
the water crisis is visible. People are seen affected by this in many states. People in the US capital of Mississippi wait in queues to drink, bathe, cook and flush toilets. That's because the city's water system was partially damaged earlier this week after long-standing problems at one of two water-treatment plants following Pearl River floods.
Queues for bottled water
Seven new distribution sites opened Thursday to deliver bottled water to people without clean tap water since the city's long-disturbed treatment plant failed. While people in Jackson are forced to line up at distribution sites and grocery stores for bottled water. The plant was shut down on Monday night due to complications of recent flood waters.