China Mars Mission: China is preparing to send a manned plane to Mars

Crew launches to Mars are planned for 2033 2035 203 2041 and beyond, Wang Xiaojun, head of China's main rocket manufacturer, told a space exploration conference in Russia recently by video.

China Mars Mission: China is preparing to send a manned plane to Mars

China is preparing to send its first manned plane to Mars by 2033. Earlier, China had sent robots to Mars. China gave this information when its robotic mission to Mars became successful. China wants to overtake the US in this race to send humans to Mars.

Crew launches to Mars are planned for 2033, 2035, 203, 2041 and beyond, Wang Xiaojun, the head of China's main rocket manufacturer, told a space exploration conference in Russia recently by video.

Wang, head of the China Academy of Launch Vehicles, said on Wednesday that before starting the mission, we had sent a robot to Mars. So that we can get more information there.

A place for humans to live on Mars, allowing the crew to be able to use the planet's resources, generate oxygen on site, and produce electricity. Wang further said that China will also have to develop technology to bring astronauts back to Earth.

An uncrewed round-trip mission is also expected to bring soil samples from the planet by the end of 2030. The US space agency NASA is also developing technology to go to Mars by 2030. China is also planning to build a base in the South Pole of the Moon.

Last week, China sent three astronauts to its space station after 2016.

The space station has also revealed a video of the three astronauts sitting in the middle of food boxes flying in the air and preparing to sleep. Since this successful campaign, China is going ahead of the rest of the countries in the race to become a space power.