Fruit Face Masks: Make face pack with the peels of these fruits, you will get such a glow that even expensive products will fail
Fruit Face Masks In the summer season, it becomes important to take care of the skin along with health. If you also want spotless and glowing skin, then this time try a face pack made from the peels of these 3 fruits.

Fruit Face Masks: All experts recommend the consumption of fresh and seasonal fruits for turmeric body. This is because fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and nutrients, which benefit our body in many ways. But fruits are not only beneficial for the health of the body, but they can also be used for the skin.
Apart from this, did you know that the peels of fruits can also be of great use to your skin. Usually we throw away the peels, but they also work to benefit your skin. Sun, dust and sweat damage the skin during the summer season. In this case, you can use the peels of some fruits. Which will not only clean your skin but will also make turmeric.
Papaya Peel
You must have known a lot about the health benefits of papaya, but have you heard about the properties of its peel? Papaya peels can be dried and used as a powder. Make a paste by mixing one spoon of glycerin in two spoons of powder and apply it on the face. After drying wash the face with water. With this, not only tanning but also the problem of dry skin can be overcome.
Mango Peels
One fruit that remains in the market throughout the summer season is the mango. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the king of fruits, mango. But do you know that its peels are also of great use. For this, you have to make a paste by grinding mango peels and then apply this paste on the face. When dry, wash off with water. Mango peel face pack works to get rid of wrinkles and acne.
Orange Peel
The use of orange peels in face packs is not new. For this, dry the peels of oranges and make powder out of it. Then prepare a paste by mixing three spoons of raw milk with orange powder and a pinch of turmeric. Now apply it on the face and leave it for some time. When dry, wash off with water. This face pack made from orange peel will not only make your skin glowing, but will also get rid of tanning and acne.
Disclaimer: Before trying these facemasks, do a patch test. Sometimes there is a risk of allergy to natural things as well. If you feel a burning sensation after applying it, wash it off immediately with water. In case of severe pain, please consult your doctor.