Nancy Pelosi reached Taiwan ignoring threats from China, emergency alert issued

Tensions with China have escalated, with Speaker of the lower house of the US Parliament, Nancy Pelosi, possibly leaving Malaysia for Taiwan on Tuesday.

Nancy Pelosi reached Taiwan ignoring threats from China, emergency alert issued

Speaker of the lower house of the US Parliament, Nancy Pelosi, arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday. Significantly, China claims its right over self-governing Taiwan. Pelosi's plane left the Malaysian Air Force base after meeting over lunch with Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yacoub, an official said on condition of anonymity. He requested the identity to be kept confidential as the officer was not allowed to speak to the media.

Pelosi is on a trip to Asia this week and all eyes are on Nancy's trip to Taiwan. Let us inform that the speaker of the lower house of the US Parliament, Nancy Pelosi, has reached Taipei Airport in Taiwan. Nancy's plane was escorted by 22 American jets due to China's threat.

PM and foreign minister refuse to comment on Pelosi's visit

Taiwan's three biggest newspapers… United Daily News, Liberty Times and China Times have written, citing unnamed sources, that Pelosi may stay in Taiwan on Tuesday night. At the same time, Taiwan's foreign minister has refused to comment in this regard. Prime Minister Su Seung-chang also did not explicitly confirm Pelosi's visit, but said on Tuesday that any foreign guests and friendly lawmakers are welcome.

China continues to threaten Pelosi's visit

At the same time, China, which considers Taiwan to be part of its country, has repeatedly warned that if Pelosi goes on a trip there, it will retaliate and said that its army will not sit hand in hand. China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in Beijing on Tuesday, "The United States and Taiwan have done the first provocation by joining hands and China is only forced to act in self-defense." Hua said that China is in constant contact with the US. And has clarified that if this journey happens then how dangerous it can prove to be.