Odisha: Corona reaches tribals settled in forests, door-to-door survey started after cases of infection

The district official said, 'It is most likely that members of the tribal group were infected due to visiting the markets of the surrounding villages.

Odisha: Corona reaches tribals settled in forests, door-to-door survey started after cases of infection

Coronavirus has also reached Dongria Kandha tribal community living in Niyamgiri Hills located in Raigad district of Odisha. A member of this tribal community was recently found corona infected. After which there is an atmosphere of concern among the officials. The tribal community was untouched by it during the first wave of Corona in Dongria Kandha.

Officials are trying to find out the cause of corona infection. Rayagada district is bordered with Andhra Pradesh. The Odisha government had earlier sealed the border due to rising cases of corona. The district official said, "Most likely, members of the tribal community were infected by visiting the markets in nearby villages." We are trying to ensure that the disease does not spread to other villages in the community. '

Awareness program was also started

The administration started a door-to-door survey, especially in the villages under Kalyan Singhpur block. During the door-to-door survey, the villagers had few symptoms of corona. On Thursday, their report came positive. Officials said that the condition of four is stable and they are in isolation. According to the information, awareness programs have also been started in the villages by the administration in the district. The villagers are being asked to contact the authorities immediately on arrival of any symptoms associated with the virus. Officers are meeting in many languages. So that every villager can reach their point.

Corona cases in Odisha

In the state of Odisha, on Friday, 12 thousand 390 new corona cases, 8 thousand 665 people beat the corona. At the same time, 22 people died. Currently, there are 1 lakh 4 thousand 16 active cases in Odisha, while the death toll is 2 thousand 273. This state is one of the most affected states.