"Our responsibility as citizens is to address the inequalities and injustices that linger, and we must secure our birthright freedoms for all people." : Srimaan Ramachandra Raja

"Our responsibility as citizens is to address the inequalities and injustices that linger, and we must secure our birthright freedoms for all people." : Srimaan Ramachandra Raja

"Freedom is never given; it is won." We see a lot of beggars and poor people as we leave our homes. Many of us try to help them while many of them just prefer avoiding if we see the statistics more than 50% of our population belongs to the lower middle class out of which a huge ration doesn’t have a land to live and a roof over head.

All of the above we always have a hero in a society ,film and he proved out to be a hero in real life who has established a foundation to assist such individuals.

Srimaan Ramachandra Raja is one of the profound founder of the Shree Welfare Foundation, which has a wonderful purpose to help the people in order to get peace and fulfillment. He would like to live up to his name, which means "a human who is extraordinary in all respects," by making his life a remarkable experience in which he gives special unforgettable moments for those in need.

He was a leader during his high school and college years, and he has been and is doing  everything he can for humanity , to do well and save human life. The Shree Welfare Foundation is a representation of Goddess Lakshmi, who has and continues to give generously. They feel that children should be educated.

Life is tough enough as it is, and humans have made life much more difficult by splitting it into classes and races, with the rich becoming richer while the poor go hungry. It is painful to see the plight of people who are hungry, jobless, and some are homeless.

Providing Kabasura kudineer free of charge to the residents of Rajapalayam with the aid of Aravindh Herbals, which he has also been instrumental in supplying, inspired him to empower women's skills to help them become self-sufficient.

Free food for COVID-19 patients at government hospitals was well received, and he and his team have given refreshments and food packs to police officers working long shifts they also have reached out there to several hospital to aid the need of oxygen cylinders and vaccines distributed for free for whom who could not reach out to hospitals . Shree Welfare Foundation's fundamental principle of reaching out motivates him to do better and reach out to more people, bringing life and a smile to their faces.

You've had a good life and are smart. This could be something you're born with, or it could be the product of an invisible force pulling you in the direction you want to go. However, you should thank the world for providing you with all you want in life.

Srimaan thanks the world by assisting the needy,and making him capable enough with a wide vision to do so , and he hopes to one day become a better leader so that he can serve others and surely he will definitely achieve his goals.