Chamomile Tea Benefits: To get rid of insomnia, drink this special tea every night before sleeping.

Chamomile is used as medicine in Ayurveda. It is a plant. It's flower is used to prepare tea leaves. Tea is made from this leaf. Apart from this, tea is also made from the fresh flowers of chamomile.

Chamomile Tea Benefits: To get rid of insomnia, drink this special tea every night before sleeping.
Chamomile Tea Benefits, image source: health care center

Chamomile Tea Benefits: Sleepless nights disappear due to stress and late night running mobile, working on desktop or laptop. Apart from this, consumption of caffeinated things like drinking tea and coffee just before bedtime, consumption of alcohol, smoking also disturbs sleep. For this, do not consume these things at night before sleeping. 

Also stay away from stress. Stress is a mental disorder. This not only leads to the disappearance of night's sleep, but also leads to the problem of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is also called the silent killer. If you also have the problem of insomnia, then drink chamomile tea every night before sleeping. 

Doctors advise not to drink tea at night. However, you can consume chamomile tea. Consuming this tea helps in getting good sleep at night. At the same time, the problem of insomnia also goes away with the consumption of chamomile tea regularly. Let us tell you everything about it-

What is Chamomile?

Chamomile is used as medicine in Ayurveda. It is a plant. Its flower is used to prepare tea leaves. Tea is made from this leaf. Apart from this, tea is also made from the fresh flowers of chamomile. It has anti-diabetic properties. Also apigenin is found in it. This gives rest to the brain. Simply put, apigenin keeps the mind calm. Caffeine is not found in chamomile tea. For this, doctors also advise patients of diabetes and insomnia to drink chamomile tea. 

When to consume

According to the doctor, drink chamomile tea just 45 minutes before bedtime. After that go to sleep. One thing must be kept in mind that do not use mobile phone at all while sleeping. This causes disturbance in sleep. Consuming chamomile tea daily provides quick relief in the problem of insomnia

Disclaimer thess and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.