How to get rid of Winkles, use these tips to remove facial wrinkles easily
Skin Care Tips: To remove facial wrinkles, mash ripe papaya and ripe banana and mix well. Apply this face pack on your face. After applying leave it like this for 15 minutes. Then wash the face with normal water.

Skin Care Tips: Wrinkles start to appear on the face due to aging, stress, hormone imbalance and lack of collagen and protein. Along with this, dark circles also appear under the eyes. In this regard, skin experts say that due to hormone imbalance, melanin is produced from melanocytes cells. This causes dark spots on the skin. To avoid this, take less stress, drink more water and take special care of the skin. Also, consume more and more fruits and vegetables. Apart from this, you can also consume coconut water. At the same time, use these things to remove the wrinkles on the face. Let's know more about it -
To remove facial wrinkles, mash ripe papaya and ripe banana and mix well. Apply this face pack on your face. After applying leave it like this for 15 minutes. Then wash the face with normal water. Do this remedy twice a week. This helps in removing facial wrinkles.
Turmeric is used to maintain the beauty of the face. Its use helps in removing facial wrinkles. For this, mix one teaspoon turmeric and half teaspoon rose water in a bowl. Now apply this paste on your face. Leave it for some time. Then wash the face with normal or lukewarm water. This remedy can also be done twice a week.
You can also use eggs to remove facial wrinkles. For this, mix the white part of a raw egg well. Now apply this pack on your face. After applying, leave it like this for a few minutes. Then wash the face with normal water. Doing this remedy is also beneficial.
According to skin experts, facial wrinkles can also be removed by using kiwi fruit. For this, mash the kiwi fruit well and prepare a paste. Now apply this paste on your face. After applying the paste, leave it like this for some time. Then wash the face with normal water. Doing these remedies helps in removing facial wrinkles.
Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions in the story are for general information only. Do not take these as advice from any doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.