Coronavirus: WHO warns corona virus can attack again in cold weather!

Coronavirus In the month of August, the cases of corona virus were seen increasing for a few days, after which the cases have started decreasing again. However, the World Health Organization has warned that with the arrival of colder weather, the havoc of COVID 19 may also increase once again.

Coronavirus: WHO warns corona virus can attack again in cold weather!
COVID 19, image source: swarajya

Coronavirus: The World Health Organization has warned that even though the cases of COVID 19 seem to be decreasing at this time, but these cases may increase in the coming cold weather.

He says that during this time the number of patients in hospitals can increase and the number of deaths also. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in Geneva on Wednesday that the number of COVID-19 cases appears to be decreasing globally, but as cooler weather approaches, it is more likely that hospitalizations will increase in those months. The figures of recruitment and deaths may increase. 

According to the WHO's latest COVID 19 weekly pandemic update, the number of new weekly cases declined by 9 percent to around 5.3 million during the week of August 15 to 21 compared to the beginning of August. At the same time, the number of deaths has also come down by 15 percent, in which more than 14,000 deaths have occurred. The WHO chief said that Omicron's existing sub-variants are more transmissible than their original variants, and there remains a risk of even more transmissible and more dangerous variants emerging. 

Even in high-income countries, there are 30 percent of health workers and 20 percent of older people who have not yet been vaccinated. Everyone is at risk because of this gap of vaccine. So be sure to get the vaccine or booster shots if you haven't done it yet. Apart from this, wear a mask when you go out of the house.

Tedros said, "Living with COVID 19 does not mean that we should assume that the epidemic is over. Similarly, to assume that the deadly virus is not around us can prove to be a big risk.Living with the corona virus means taking simple precautions, so that we avoid getting infected and even if we do get infected, the disease does not become serious.