Health Tips: Diabetic patients must do 'Vajrasana' daily to control sugar level, know the right way to do it
Regarding diabetes, yoga experts say that by doing Vajrasana, the pancreatic and liver become active. Simply put, Vajrasana stimulates the abdominal organs. This improves insulin production. For this, diabetic patients must do Vajrasana daily.

Diabetes: The number of patients with diabetes is increasing rapidly every day. Because of this, the number of diabetes patients in India is the highest in the world. This disease is caused due to increase in the sugar level in the blood. Symptoms of diabetes are shortness of breath, frequent urination, nausea, blurred vision. In this case, consult a doctor immediately.
Due to negligence, this disease proves to be more dangerous. Diabetes means diabetes is an incurable disease. Its complete treatment is not possible. Blood sugar can be controlled by taking medicines, avoiding sugary things and doing regular exercise. Along with this, do Vajrasana daily to control blood sugar. By doing this yoga, many diseases get benefited. Come, let's know everything about it-
Doing yoga in Vajra Mudra is called Vajrasana. Vajra is a Sanskrit word. Its literal meaning is to be hard and strong. Performing this yoga helps in collecting and organizing the energy of the body. By doing this yoga, sugar remains under control. In this regard, yoga experts say that by doing Vajrasana, the pancreas and liver become active. Simply put, Vajrasana stimulates the abdominal organs. This improves insulin production. For this, diabetic patients must do Vajrasana daily. Vajrasana is very easy to do yoga. This can be done at any time.
How to do vajrasana
For this, first take a mat on a flat ground. Now bend the knee of the leg and sit properly. For this, you can take the help of the picture attached in the content. During this, keeping the body straight, keep both the hands on the front knee. Now close your eyes and take a long and deep breath slowly and release it. Doing this yoga daily helps in controlling blood sugar.
Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions in the story are for general information only. Do not take these as advice from any doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.