Does diabetes get affected in winter season? know experts view and tips to control blood sugar level

Diabetes: With the change of weather in diabetes, the level of sugar suddenly increases. Is it because of the winter season? Know experts views

Does diabetes get affected in winter season? know experts view and tips to control blood sugar level

There are many types of physical problems in the winter days, one of which is the increase in the level of blood sugar. Many people believe that their blood sugar level increases more in winter than in summer. In the year 2014, in a study of the National Library of Medicine, it was told that cold temperature has a bad effect on the body and increases the blood sugar level. Stress hormones increase in winter.

Due to stress hormones, the liver has to release more glucose, which increases the blood sugar level. In this article, we will know whether winters affect diabetes or not? Let's know what experts think about it 

Can winter weather affect diabetes?

According to experts, due to lifestyle mistakes in the winter season, the glucose level of the body can increase. The blood becomes more thick in winter. It affects the blood sugar level. In the winter season, the need for insulin in the body also decreases. Due to this change, the glucose level of the body can increase. Diabetes is a bad health condition in which the risk of other diseases increases.

Not being able to control the sugar level in winter can affect the nervous system, eyes, kidneys and other organs. Due to increase in blood sugar level in winters, swelling and pain can also be felt in the hands and feet. 

How to control diabetes in winter?

Do not skip taking essential medicines to control sugar level. To avoid sugar level in cold days, keep checking sugar from time to time. Apart from this, you can take the help of some easy tips - 

1. Keep the body warm

Avoid cold air during winters. Exposure to cold air can worsen blood circulation and diabetes can be affected. Apart from this, include foods with hot effect in your diet. Like sesame, dry ginger, black pepper etc. 

2. Avoid flu in winter

You should avoid flu or other infection during cold days. Due to diseases in the body, the blood sugar level is affected. You can get flu vaccine on doctor's advice. Apart from this, take care of cleanliness around you. Give rest to the body and take a healthy diet.

3. Avoid Processed Foods

Avoid eating fried or junk food during winters. Patients suffering from diabetes should stay away from carbs. Consumption of packaged food or processed foods increases the risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. 

4. Exercise in winter

In winters, we leave physical movement due to which blood sugar level can increase. Exercise every day. At least 30 to 40 minutes of exercise should be done. Be sure to consult a doctor before exercising. Walking in the morning will also be beneficial for health, because of this your body will get Vitamin D.

5. Drink enough water

If you are a diabetic patient, then you should consume more and more water during cold days to avoid high sugar level. Due to lack of water, urine discharge is also less and blood sugar level can increase. Make it necessary to consume 2 to 3 liters of water every day even in cold days.

With the help of these tips, you can control blood sugar level in winter. If you liked the article, don't forget to share it.